'guten-learn-radio-image', 'class' => 'Guten_Learn_Customize_Control_Radio_Image', 'sanitize' => array( 'Guten_Learn_Customizer', 'sanitize_number' ), )); Improving skeleton-based action recognition using part-aware graphs in a multi-stream fusion context – ΑΣΠiΔΑ

Improving skeleton-based action recognition using part-aware graphs in a multi-stream fusion context

Skeleton-based human action recognition with Graph Convolutional Networks is an active research field that has gained increased popularity over the last few years. A challenge in skeleton-based action recognition is the design of a model in a way that captures fine-grained motions and the relations between the movements of different parts of the skeleton towards the recognition of specific actions. In this paper, the use of a set of part-aware graphs for the skeleton representation is proposed aiming to enhance discrimination between actions in the recognition task since each action put emphasis on specific parts of the skeleton. Extensive experimental work has been carried out in a consistent evaluation framework taking into account different combinations of part-aware graphs and feature representations leading to a configuration that achieves the optimal balance. Based upon two well-established datasets, namely NTU RGB+D and NTU RGB+D 120, we demonstrate that the proposed methodology compares favourably with the state-of-the-art.

Zois Tsakiris, Lazaros Tsochatzopoulos, Ioannis Pratikakis

IEEE Access
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